Monday, June 29, 2020


Designed: Niral Patel

Blog Written by: Kartik Nair

Before I get started, here’s something I want you to do-Rewind yourselves, re-visit your past, in particular, some uncomfortable moments (which didn't go as well as you expected and maybe it could've been done well)-and I bet there will, will and will be situations where you may not have done or performed well, owing to self-doubt, low esteem, embarrassment, shyness, etc. (There can be a whole lot of words there for that matter). Before I start writing this blog on building self-confidence, increasing self-esteem and self-respect, let me tell you one thing. If you ‘re-visited’ any moment of your life in that little flashback and felt a little bit low or sad or emotional even, let me tell you before anyone else does: It is normal. I repeat. It is just normal.

On the face of it, a large number of us would tend to use the words self-respect, self-confidence and self-esteem interchangeably. Well, even though they look similar on the face of it, they do have differences, and they make us as a person; by deciding our thoughts, our actions and our course of action. If this makes you happy, let me tell you that we were born confident! Right from the comfort of our mother’s warm, cozy womb, ready to face this cruel, competitive world. We were born to face things, not run away from them. Fight or Flight is something we've heard of often. According to psychology and popular perception, it is the mind’s natural tendency to avoid risks, take the frequently travelled path and to look at the easier ways whenever the body is at alert.

Think again. Here are a few questions to start with. When was the last time you actually told a person you loved or hated how you felt like, before ignoring the matter and ‘letting things take care of itself’? When or how was the last time you asked your crush out, trying to talk to them for a while or getting them to go out with you? When was the last time you made your point felt across a meeting in your company to 'not offend' the seniors knowing your idea was much better? When was the last time you stayed silent, letting toxic people called friends do whatever they were doing to use you and ruin your life? Feeling sad? Perhaps you do. Perhaps you do not. But I bet you can definitely relate to some of the above questions I put right before you.

And if they are creeping onto your happiness, it’s time to act now. And if this makes you comfortable, let me tell you-I have been there. I have faced it. Trust me, it hurts. But here I am, about to tell you from my life learnings, a good amount of research and a few experiences I’ve had- 10 ways you can improve on your self-esteem and self-confidence. But before I tell you all that, you must understand what the above terms mean.

So, what exactly is Self-Esteem? How does it affect you?

In a nutshell, self-esteem is the opinion one has of themselves. In other words, how you think about yourself defines your self-esteem. Think about our daily life. When we are positive, and when we have healthy self-esteem, we are better equipped to deal with the rough patches in this road called life. Contrary to it, if our self-esteem is low, we tend to frequently criticize ourselves and blame ourselves in everything we do. It is primarily based on our opinions and beliefs about ourselves, which we feel can't be changed. Self-esteem is present in all decisions you make, in everything you do-How you value yourself as a person, the ability of yours to try and do new things, take the time you need for yourselves, recognize and accept your strengths and weaknesses, and believe you are good enough.

Wait a minute. These sound like innate, natural abilities. They sure are! It is there, as I said, with you right from the moment you were born. So, where and when does this loathing or self-doubt exactly start? I hate to tell this to you, but it begins in our childhood. It starts, circulates and is passed by parents, friends, peers, society, family, and even the internet and media. The very fact that ‘you are not really good enough’ really stays with you, no matter how hard you try and ignore it. You soon find it difficult to live up to people’s or for that matter, even your own expectations. You become prone to more negative thoughts. Again, it can be due to getting bullied or abused, due to experiencing prejudice or discrimination or neglect, stress, mental health issues, relationship issues, family issues, facing unemployment, etc.

This, in the short term, leads you to steer clear from social situations or maybe to stop trying new things and most importantly holding you back from things which actually challenge and shape you. You are basically avoiding difficult circumstances to make you feel safe. However, in the long term, this cements the doubts you have and ‘re-affirms’ them making you feel incomplete. It teaches you that the only way to actually cope and face your demons or fears is by actually avoiding them. You will be spiralled into depression and anxiety issues, leading to coping mechanisms, unhealthy coping mechanisms to deal with them. Things can be more dangerous if they turn into a mental health problem, making you hate yourself, blaming yourself unfairly, feeling hopeless or worthless. Prolonged issues, as said, can lead to mental disorder, especially depression and people then tend to view the world as a hostile place and themselves as a victim in a viciously created scheme of evil plans.

What is Confidence? Self-Confidence? How does confidence play an important role here?

Confidence is one’s belief in oneself, a conviction that one has the ability to meet life’s ever-throwing challenges, learn and to emerge out of it victorious (both literally and figuratively). Self-confidence can be linked to almost all elements involved in fully living a happy, enriching and fulfilling life.

A good level of self-confidence can calm those negative voices rising up in your head and can put you in charge of your thoughts, actions and values. It gives you a sense of completion, of accomplishing something. It helps you persevere. Don't believe me? Take an example of a significant achievement you've made or done in your life. It can be in any domain and don't let others tell you. Decide one for yourselves. Maybe you reached a good level in sports or arts. Maybe you just learned a seemingly impossible skill or software. Perhaps you learnt a language. Maybe you just put a tick-mark against an activity on your bucket list. Whatever, it is, few things are common. Perseverance, dedication and hard work. You confidence gradually grows, and you end up finding yourselves in a better place. You are ready to stretch your horizons and are more willing to take risks. The ‘What-if’ fear element seems to vanish off. What is often not talked about confident people is this: Confident people have what it takes to accept and cope with their failures and setbacks.

However, having a good amount of self-confidence doesn't make sure you don't fail. It makes you ready to push yourself to move one step closer to things you've never really thought of doing before. You tend to know your self-worth and can celebrate your strengths, weaknesses and your life more happily. You have a higher purpose. You improve your relationships, with yourselves and with others. You begin to genuinely engage with others, not seeming so worried about the consequences you'll be making as you'll not be comparing yourselves with others. Either way, you are present and happy.
That being said, I would like to highlight the old adage here-Too much of anything is good for nothing. A realistic thought of one’s abilities enables people to strike a balance between a good level of confidence and other factors. But what if it goes over? Or under? Under-confidence can hinder people from taking risks and seizing the right opportunity. On the other hand, Over-confidence can show up as arrogance, narcissism or in simple words, cockiness.

Confident people seem to have an entirely different aura, right? The way they get notified as credible and the powerful first impression, the ways they deal with pressure and tackle both personal and professional challenges. But wait! This is very much doable, right? After all, they too are humans. But is it so easy? It is if you make the first move.

So, what is the secret to becoming more Self-Confident? To develop more Self-Esteem? How can you be Happy and Confident in life?

Source: Canva || Designed: (Self)

To boost your confidence and self-esteem, you need to first identify these negative beliefs you have about yourself and ask yourself the time, the moment when you first let these affect you. Also, confidence is not an innate characteristic. Yes, we are born with it, or you may say that some are confident than others. True. But, it can be acquired and improved over time. One after the other, you can gain a sense of confidence from your accomplishments, the fact that you’ve improved one step a time. Consider self-confidence and self-esteem as muscles in your body, and these tips as your ways to help build them, reach your goals. If you would want to exit your comfort shell and overcome more hurdles in life, you need to develop inner strength and resilience, and for that, your mental muscles need a good workout.  Here are my Top-10 tips to help you build on confidence. Again, there are a lot many. These ten things happen to be my favourite, or for that matter, they happen to be in my head at this point in time. Let's dive right in!

·       Knowing Yourself: For me, this is the most important point. It is not equivalent of the closest friend or family member of yours telling you that makes you. It is you who should know who you are. You can start by analysing yourself honestly, writing down your thoughts and reflecting upon it. Then think about the good things and your positives. When it comes to things that hold you back, consider if it is indeed rational or if it is placed irrationally. Know this: If you are trying to overcome a negative self-image and try to replace it directly, you are bound to fail, as you haven't got your mind ready yet.

·       Being Positive in your Approach: Just like thinking and doing are exclusive and overlapping at the same time, so is being positive and putting it into action. Try to act positively, knowing you can do it. Talk with people positively and channelize that inner energy in your actions. Remind yourself time and again, despite all problems that you deserve to feel good about yourself. This can also help you to identify negative thoughts and work on them.

·       Set Small Goals and Achieve Them: People often aim too high when they are not so ready and often fall out when they, most often miss their target. They get discouraged. Start by aiming for something more achievable, a goal you can achieve and try your level best to get there. Try doing more of these before jumping into a bigger one.

·       Increasing your Capacity and Competence: Just as I stated in my point above, you become more competent by practising something again and again. Try to achieve one thing and do it with all your heart and passion. Gradually, you can try and increase your level of commitment and intensity on it.

·       Smiling and Being Grateful: Trust me, it is one of the most under-rated qualities people often miss out. And again, it costs nothing. You tend to feel well when you smile and try to be grateful to what gives you, be it a success, happiness or failure. Appreciate what you have in your life and thank people around you.

·       Exercise and Get Active: Working out and sweating releases endorphins, and you tend to feel tired, happy and excited at the same time. Start with basic walking, jogging and move up the ladder to High Intensity Interval Workouts (HIITs) or sports. This will help you to get active and be on your feet, taking steps to accomplish your goals. Also, have a balanced meal and be one with the food you eat.

·       Expanding your Knowledge Horizons: I always tend to ask people to gain skills and learn something worthwhile. Yes, people who know me can relate to this one. Expanding on your knowledge is one of the best-proven methods to help build self-confidence. It can be learning from a book or various sources, the internet, or even trying out a new skill, learning softwares, etc.

·       Challenge and Prove Yourself: Improvement is not accidental and a one-day process. You need to challenge yourself at every step. The next time you set yourself a goal and experience discomfort, ask yourself why you started it in the first place. You may also need to do this if you want to change yourself. It could be changing a small habit such as quitting smoking, or noting down things, or waking 10 minutes early. So, the next time you think you can’t achieve something, challenge yourself and prove yourself wrong. Know that you are more capable than you credit yourself for. You will love this incredible potential that you have.

·       People: Yes, just one word it is. Spend more time with the people who value you and those who you hold dear. Try to know more people and enlarge your social horizons. Also, avoid those toxic people that mistreat you or make you feel bad and guilty about yourselves.

·       Looking Good: This one is slightly different, out of the box for my readers who love to dress well and look good. When you groom yourself and dress nicely and look at yourself in the mirror, you tend to feel that little gush of confidence, don’t you?

Lastly, confidence building or personality change doesn’t reflect after one or two activities or in a week or a day. Again, strive to make this as a structural life change. Focus on the larger picture instead of artificial small-term gains that could make you temporarily happy. Last but not least, be satisfied and give your best. Try to work on these, and I know you will smile and love yourself forever. And if people talk crap, know that you aren't ice-cream and that you can't make everyone happy or please everyone. Kishor Kumar once said, “Kuch to log kahenge, logo ka kaam hai kehna.” (People will speak something or the other, for it is their constant thing to do so). And, before you leave, look at that happy chick coming out from that shell ready to face the world with a smile.

“Believe you can and you are halfway there” – Theodore Roosevelt

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Sunday, June 21, 2020


Design: Niral Patel
Blog written by: Kartik Nair
Note: The views stated by the author are strictly personal.
Before you start reading this write-up as a normal blog which talks about political interference in sporting operations or how political decisions or related factors influence or shape the world of sport, let me ask you to pause for a moment. Stop right there-Don't let your constructed ideas lead you far from what I want to address. Yes, a lot of articles, blogs and write-ups cover issues about how politics influences sports. This one is from a neutral angle, from a different perspective. A different thought point altogether.
The thought process of narrowing the topic to this point has been due on ongoing events of importance, controversies and bold statements made in the professional sporting world, in recent times and in past, and due to few personal experiences to say the least. Well, I've been lucky enough to train under excellent coaches, with exceptional athletes and owing to a few high-level competitions (including national championships) I've played, I've got to directly interact and share my thoughts and ideas with a couple of sports persons representing our nation at the international level. When any decision of importance is taken by a governing body of a particular sport at any given level, it has a direct effect with the players participating in the sport, right from his mental mood to his performance on any given day. The 'decision', if I may call it that way, is relevant, at least to the sportsperson, if not anyone else. But what if that sports person commands influence? Followers? What if that sportsperson is considered a matter of supreme importance in front of their fans and/or followers? What if statements made by them end up influencing you? Or your opinion? Or how you see or perceive things?
I've often heard this, "Yaar, politics ko alag rakhna chahiye sports se." (Dude, Politics should be distanced from Sports). This being said, many would argue about the right of freedom of expression of the very player concerned, that every player, as a citizen of any country has. Sports persons are citizens first and players next, right? And this is not concerning India alone. I'm talking about the global scenario, all of it. Others would take a different stance, though. They would tend to separate sports and politics as if they were North and South Korea. (Even though one tries to make a distinction, there’s no love lost trying to get to each other). That being said, many regard the two as two separate entities. Theoretically speaking, they are two different domains. But in today's world, how valid is that? If you can regard media as a tool of manipulation, then, the figures of influence are not to be left far behind, either. In today's digital age where nothing is hidden from the eyes of ordinary people, it is not uncommon to see professional sports persons (or 'icons' of sport) if you may call them that way, increase their proximity to the political class. Lots of 'candid' images, pictures of luxury goods and photographs shot in luxurious foreign locations seem to increase the life-sized value of the sportsperson. However, more often than not, in today's context, you may also see them with a popular hands-folded gesture (in a popular social sharing app) endorsing and happily promoting the government's policies, stands or schemes for that matter.
To give you a better idea, consider a national team cricketer and an Olympian. Both are people of importance and influence in their own realm (the cricketer, for some reason asserting more authority given our nation in context). The high valued cricketer is dependent in some way on the governing body, the Board of Cricket Control in India (BCCI) whereas the Olympian is entirely dependent on the funding and training programs as decided by the Sports Ministry. The understanding is therefore, simple. Also, sports persons may not be just restricted to sport alone-In the present world, they are influencers. I don't know how ridiculous my next statement may sound to you: Virat Kohli, the captain of the Indian National Cricket Team (Men), has over 64.5 Million followers on Instagram, compared to 3.2 Mn (BJP), 0.74 Mn (INC) and 0.32 Mn (AAP)—mathematically analysing, over 1500 percent more followers than a few political giants in India combined. (Again, this is wrt. a particular app).  Let that sink down. Consider 2020 and the subsequent lockdown caused due to the Corona Virus. In the early days of the lockdown, the Indian Prime Minister (PM) interacted with eminent sports persons of India including the likes of Vishwanathan Anand, Sachin Tendulkar, Virat Kohli, PV Sindhu, Hima Das, PT Usha and Baichung Bhutia among others. A lot of these names have two things in common: Performance and audience reach. The PM thanked them for their performances but spoke of 'an important role' they needed to play to boost the morale of the nation, spreading the message and importance of social distancing.
The very idea of such people raising their voices is, therefore, more critical in the present day. More recently, you might have witnessed the 'kneel-down' movement done by a large number of people, including communities, government officials and the police too, in a large number of places, especially in the US, following the death of George Floyd, a black man who died at the hands of a 'white' police officer. This incident perhaps knocked the first domino in a large arrangement, and we are witnessing a paradigm shift in how people perceive people and cultures. With all due respect to my readers, the kneel-down movement and #ICantBreathe movements are not recent. Although it got wide-scale attention from various celebrities who endorsed it, more recently on social media, actions of various political authorities or campaigns have been time and again condemned by, in this case, professional sports persons. Let me give you a couple of examples where athletes, irrespective of what was to follow or what could've happened to them didn't shy away from making strong political statements at the foot of the authorities. They may or may not have been seen in good light after what they did, but they made their mark. Here are a few I would like to talk about:

The Black Power Salute

 Perhaps regarded as one of the most influential photos in sporting history and one of the most powerful photos of all time in general, the two 200m sprinters, Tommie Smith and John Carlos finished first and third respectively in the 200m final, in the 1968 Mexico City Olympics. Atop the podium and with the American national anthem in background, the duo performed the infamous Black Power Salute, with their heads bowed down and with their hands raised to the sky with a black glove on. To clarify, this was not a style mark. Smith and Carlos protested against the treatment of American blacks and other minorities in the United States. Subsequently, what followed were ostracization from the sporting community, a lot of death threats and harsh criticism.

The #BlackLivesMatter Kneel-Down

I do not know if you have heard of Colin Kaepernick, a quarterback who played for the San Fransisco 49ers in the National Football League (NFL). In the 2016 NFL pre-season, Kaepernick began sitting during the national anthem. However, in the final pre-season game, he kneeled when the national anthem was played. This is where it all started. A protest form 'taking a knee' thus became popular and emerged. For him, it was a form of protest for actions done by the police, including the regular murder of black people. It was also in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement. He too was heavily criticised (you can maybe still see people burning his fan jerseys). However, a few weeks later, football players (NFL) across various regions followed suit, and a new movement began. It spread to other sports such as baseball, basketball and ice-hockey as well.

Refusal of Army Induction

This man needs no definition whatsoever. Although he's no more, his very name symbolises what boxing is all about. Muhammed Ali was a professional boxer, the World Heavyweight Champion in 1967. In the same year, the United States was fighting against communist-backed guerrilla forces in Vietnam. The government drafted him to enlist in national service' and fight for his country. In what is still considered a bold move, Ali refused to enlist. He stood opposed to the Vietnam War, opposing the baseless war for power and highlighted issues of power struggle and racism in America. He was arrested and stripped of his title. Although criticisms were hammering in initially, he is fondly remembered today for sticking to his principles, his ideals against the war and for demonstrating leadership for minority causes.

The Munich Massacre

The Olympics is considered the most significant stage of sporting in the world. Representing a nation in an Olympics is regarded as an achievement in itself, irrespective of the results. More than competition among the best in the world, the Olympics is a sign of peace and togetherness, a coming together of various nations. This changed when Black September, a Palestine based terrorist organisation took 11 members of the Israeli team hostage, in the 1972 Munich Olympics, and in an ugly turn of events, made their voice heard by the global community. All hostages were killed in a failed rescue operation and for all those who like reading about intelligence agencies; we all know how hard the Mossad (Israeli Intelligence) clamped down on the Palestinian Authorities and the nation as a whole. All being said and done, this incident changed the geopolitics of nation-states forever.

Again, these are just a few examples. If I were to go on, the quadrennial event in the 'Cold Era' period was a battle for foreign policy between the democratic and communist nations. Countries used it to showcase their stance on political, social and economic issues. In 1936, much before the Cold War, Hitler used the Olympic Games as an image-cleansing tool, as a tool to strengthen the image of the Third Reich and promote Aryan superiority. The United States boycotted the Moscow Olympics in 1980, and the USSR returned the favor four years later at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics. And it is not just the Olympics. LeBron James, a famous NBA star, wore a t-shirt on which was written "I can't breathe" to express solidarity in the killing of Eric Garner at the hands of a police officer.
In a nutshell, popular sports persons have the power to create a massive impact on the public while making such political statements or statements on socio-political issues. Like the politician, the athlete is bound to generate more interest and attention. If they can take a stand on issues which affect the society in any manner and can connect with the common man, their opinion goes a long way in creating and shaping public opinion. Some may or may not give their views fearing a commercial or public backlash.
You get the gist, don't you? In today's times, the world of technology and social media has changed the way athletes can interact with spectators or fans or even followers. It may only be fair that they use the platform not just to promote themselves as a brand, but also serve larger communities or people by leveraging the power of attention that they can possibly generate. But again, it must be exercised with caution. A shout-out by an influencer can give credibility to a rumour or even a cooked up story. In this internet era, perhaps half the objective is already achieved if this 'influencer gets influenced'. It is then the followers who make it trendy and viral. We can just hope such tools are used by proper people for an adequate purpose. Sports and politics are, therefore, no more separate spheres or identities, in matters of social or political importance.
"If you're going to say what you want to say, you're going to hear what you don't want to hear." - Roberto Bolano
Let me know what you think.
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Sunday, June 14, 2020


Source: Canva | Designed: Self 

A message by: Kartik Nair
This piece of writing is a little thought, a reflection of something I want to tell you personally. Repeat, this is personal and subjective; you may interpret it differently. Well, for that matter, each person reading this blog will (I would consider it unfair calling this piece a blog though). The Sunday Blog Post as you've been reading (if you are every Sunday) has been going well for a couple of weeks now, and I'm getting a pretty decent number of views to go along with it. Maybe enough people aren't reading my blogs, or maybe they don't want to read. Perhaps they are not good enough. Or maybe people just don't want to read it. Lots of thoughts going on right now in my head, I tell you.
Trust me, today's topic was going to be much different than the one you're reading right now. I did a good amount of research and did a good level of planning or thought. For that matter, I even got a friend to help me with the design (as always). But hours before posting it, due to some incident, I decided that it was better to sort of, talk to you than describe some event or something of importance or an event that is worth talking or having a debate about. The year 2020 has not been too kind to humanity. For everyone. The rich. The poor. The educated. The uneducated. The haves. The have-nots. Well, I can go on endlessly here, with a good number of adjectives or analogies, but today, I will not.
As many of you might be aware, one of the best actors of our generation, Sushant Singh Rajput committed suicide (preliminary, due to depression) today. This is about throwing away the most precious gift God has given us. All of us. Sometimes, it is taken from us in ways we can't even imagine, in situations we least expect it. Someone else may or may not tell our story to the world, portraying what we did in our lifetime. Was it worth it? Only you know. Nobody other than you can give you a take on this. You are your own best judge.
There are moments in everyone's life different from regular ones. You may not view them as 'just any other day'. They are the defying moments in your life, and it is these very moments that define your situations. The way you deal with them defines you. To some, they are immortalized by such incidents. They are famed. Known. Given examples of. You may hear stories of success from your parents, friends or anyone for that matter. Success stories, as you commonly mark them. But what about the other part? Probability implies that the other part exists as well. Failure. So, what happens to the others? Others are demoralized. Just lost. Low. Sad. Lonely. Depressed. They start doubting themselves, their abilities, qualities, and who they are as a person. The one weak point in life kills the hundred high points one has had. The unwritten element of life and experience tells us, "It is okay to fail in front of others. Just don't fail in front of yourself". But what happens if you fail? If you don't get the desired outcome? Is it the end of the world? Can't you start again? Don't you want to start again?

Is giving up or quitting 'the ultimate solution'?

Dear reader. Let me tell you. It is not. In here, unlike lots of facets of life, there is no second chance. There is no stopping the 9mm round once the striker hits the primer or when the knife slashes through the veins. Or when you start feeling the air get tighter and when the breathing becomes more laborious. Or microseconds before you hit the ground or a vehicle. Your life looks back, and you and your image is shattered in a second. Your entire life takes a flashback moments before everything goes dark. (Probably, this is when you smile for the final time). This is different from your sleep or a nap that you might be looking to take. There is no waking up. Your life is over. You will not wake up again. Your soul has escaped. Your heart has stopped beating. Your nerve centre is dead. It is all over. For you, it is. Like Newton's third law, every action has an opposite reaction. You may have done what you can never undo, but there is a tragic loss of your presence to everyone and everything you hold dear. No materialistic thing can ever replace you. And this applies even if you are alone, or if you think you are alone. You should not let things which are dear to you miss you.
As humans, we indulge in a lot of things. Good, harmful, constructive, destructive and what not. Some may be good and some not. Sometimes we feel elated, and at the other times, it feels like we've reached ground zero. Like there is no way out. Maybe there is a way out. Let me help you. I am no God-sent creature. I am no expert. I am no psychologist or a mind reader. I am not perfect. I am an individual with some decent experiences and a good amount of imperfections. (I believe in God and for the best, though!) I will be there to talk to or listen if you think there is nobody to listen to you. Or if you feel low. I may not be as able to connect with you, but I promise to do my best to help you get through your hard times. I'll try my best and put a smile on your face, my reader. We also get to know more about each other that way! More importantly, you are happy. And for me, that counts. (Not to mention, our conversation stays confidential, and before you think of anything else-it is free). And yes, we may or may not be on good terms. But, this is my word, my promise. And I'll do my best, irrespective of events of our past or whatever has happened between us, of any. If stupid thoughts ever enter your head or you feel there's nobody to listen to you, reach me out

If you think you are alone. You are wrong. Just ask people around you, the ones who care for you, the ones you care about, if your presence matters. Perhaps, you may then understand.
"Jaan hai to jahaan hai"- Meer Taqi Meer, 18th Century AD (Health is Wealth, basically)
I wrote this little message for you in a bit of rush (last-minute things). The original blog took a reasonable amount of time to complete and the last-minute change. Apologies if there are any errors, though!

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Sunday, June 7, 2020

The Elephant vs The Dragon | Will Differences become Disputes?


Image Source: Canva | Designed: Surbhi Dhanawat

 Blog written by: Kartik Nair

 "Differences should not become disputes" – S. Jaishankar (India's Minister of External Affairs, former Foreign Secretary)
Before straightaway diving into my blog on the 2020 India China border standoff, I would like to discuss with you, my reader, of something that has gained a high level of prominence or significance in today's sphere. International affairs are today, more than a mere subject. It is different from history, even though it has a distinct overlap over the latter wrt. events of importance, or wars, invasions, treaties, etc. that have defined generations altogether. Simply put, for a layman, international affairs, is something he would relate with the way relations or alliances exist between various countries and happenings which define them, the causes for the same, etc. I, however, tend to believe that in the present interconnected world, it stretches far beyond traditional definition and encompasses all sorts of activities, be it geopolitics, trade, commerce, arts, science, culture, technology, etc. Just as humans have relations with each other, countries have it too, the only difference being one's choices or interests at heart. Some might argue that's the same case with humans too.
You may be able to recollect your thoughts and go back to a 73 day period in 2017, sometime between June and August in the same year. A tense situation prevailed. Things had come to a standstill, and a feeling of 'Hindi Chini Bhai Bhai' seemed to have disappeared into thin air. As you might have guessed it, the Doklam standoff was a brief period of tension between the world's two most populated countries. It was resolved diplomatically after a 73-day standoff and dialogue. Things seemed to get back to normal, but what is it truly like? What was it truly like? Was it the first time? Why was this happening? And let me tell you, this is not the first time such an event has happened.
As I write this blog today, a high-level meeting between senior commanders of the Indian Army and the People's Liberation Army has been held at Chushul-Moldo, outcomes of which are unknown to me yet. The Indian Army delegation, led by 14 Corps Commander Lt. Gen Harinder Singh sought a return to 'status quo as of April' in his meeting with his Chinese counterpart, Maj. Gen Lin Liu, a meeting which lasted more than seven hours. However, the ongoing standoff may not return to normalcy with one military scale meeting. There might be high level diplomatic or political dialogues as well, in the coming days.
This ongoing standoff, in the Himalayan border as well as the recently risen 'Boycott Chinese Goods' (or related activities) taking place in India right now, got me to think, do a good level of research and sit down and write a blog about the same. Today, it is about the gloomy story of a powerful dragon and a mighty elephant, both known for their powerful characteristics in a wide forest of nations, nation-state players and onlookers.


Unlike Indian and Pakistan which has an 'agreed upon Line of Control' (commonly known as Radcliffe Line) to demarcate their territories, the LAC, the Sino-Indian border is not clearly demarcated. It is evident that encounters and clashes are, therefore, unavoidable. Border skirmishes are not uncommon in the ~4000km LAC (most of which is disputed by China). There have been numerous instances where companies (units of soldiers) of PLA soldiers have marched into Indian territory, only to be stopped and asked to politely return to their territory by soldiers of the Indian Army and the Indo Tibetan Border Police (ITBP). As a matter of fact, when the brawls were in its early phase, the Chief of the Indian Army, Gen. M.M. Naravane, was unworried. As stated earlier, a lot of temporary and short scale face-offs do take place. It was only after events started repeating that the set the alarm bells ringing.
The tensions that started to build up in April 2020 between Indian and Chinese troops in Ladakh ended up taking a physical form on May 5th 2020 near Pangong Tso Lake, located at 14,000 ft (4270m) above sea level in the Himalayan region of Ladakh. As was evident from videos and images seen on social media, soldiers from both countries engaged in fistfights and stone pelting at the Line of Actual Control (LAC), widely considered as the 'de facto' border separating the two countries. If that was not enough, a few days later, approximately 1200km East of the LAC, another fight erupted at the Nathu La Pass (Sikkim) between soldiers of the two forces. According to various sources in popular news media (at both national and global levels), approximately 80-100 tents have been spotted on the Chinese side, and more than 10,000 PLA soldiers are believed to be camping near the Pangong Tso Lake, Galwan Valley and Demchok (Ladakh) and in Nathu La (Sikkim). Some Chinese troops have even penetrated 3-4km into the Indian border. In a nutshell, thousands of Chinese troops were reported to move into sensitive areas of the Eastern Ladakh border, bringing with them heavy defence equipment and machinery and vehicles for movement. The Indian Army responded by moving several battalions to areas along the border.
Source: Al-Jazeera
If the 2017 Doklam Standoff was due to the Chinese constructing infrastructure at the tri-junction point, this time, it is our infrastructure activities that have triggered the ongoing standoff. In the past couple of years, and more so recently, India has been aggressively pushing and constructing border infrastructure, with new roads, airbases and other means of strategic infrastructure coming up in border areas. That being said, Indian officials remain apprehensive about Chinese infra scaling activities in Ladakh near Daulat Beg Oldi (World's highest airstrip) and Demchok (a strategic village). According to Ashok Kantha, a former Indian Ambassador to China (presently, director of Institute of Chinese Studies, New Delhi), incursions and border aggressions on the aggressively contested high-altitude border are 'far from routine occurrences'. However, according to the Ministry of External Affairs, the issues would be resolved according to agreements on border management signed by both countries between 1993-2013.


Together, India and China account for over 2.7 billion people on this planet, which is slightly over one-third of the global population. India and China have both attained a good level of economic advancement in recent decades and are powerful countries in Asia, owing to their ambitions and clout over neighbouring countries and how Asia is seen as a powerhouse in the world.
India was one of the few earliest democracies to diplomatically recognize China in 1950. Things changed after the 1962 Indo-China War on the Himalayan front, with China administering some serious damage on India and taking hold of a few territories, before returning them and getting back to the LAC. China still claims over 35,000 square kilometres in the North East Indian front, including a large part of the state of Arunachal Pradesh. Relations were further strained between the two countries in 1959, when exiled spiritual leader the Dalai Lama fled Tibet (during a failed uprising against Chinese oppression) and took refuge, establishing a government-in-exile in Dharmashala, India. In 1993, the two giants of Asia signed an agreement on "Maintenance of Peace and Tranquility" along the LAC.
If we look at the international scenario, China has forever blocked India's entry as a permanent member into the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) and has also conditionally blocked India's entry into the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG), demanding, rather insisting on Pakistan's entry into the same. India, unlike a lot of her neighbours, has refused to be part of Beijing's Belt Road Initiative (something which has not been well received by top officials in China). China has been constructing roads, and other infrastructure in Pakistan occupied Kashmir as well, to further increase the ire of Indian officials.
The Chinese media is not to be left behind when it comes to highlighting Chinese dominance and authority over India or any other country it frequently engages with. On May 25th, the Global Times, a state-run Beijing Newspaper stated that the Galwan valley region was a part of the Chinese territory. In every standoff that has occurred between the two countries, the Chinese Media has always portrayed their goals and agendas, asserting claims which are not mutually agreed or accepted upon. This is far from normal PLA behaviour. This time, the incursions are happening in areas China hasn't previously claimed (The Galwan Valley was overrun by China after the 1962 war but handed back).


If you've read till here, you already know the answer to this question. No. And again, Doklam standoff wasn't the first one either. According to P. Stobdan, there have been standoffs previously at Depsand (2013), Chumur (2014) as well. After the Dalai Lama visited Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh in 2009, China began issuing stapled visas for people from Arunachal Pradesh, as if they didn't belong to the Indian territory. For Chinese academics, China has no 'dispute' in the Western sector, indicating that for China, the valley means J&K and not Ladakh. Few PLA commanders even refused to travel to Leh for Confidence Building Measures (CBM) to avoid upsetting its relations with Pakistan.
In December 2010, when Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao visited India, Chinese state-owned media carried reports describing the Sino-Indian border as only 2000km long, way too short than the 4000+km mark. In May 2015, when the Indian Prime Minister (PM) Narendra Modi visited China, the Chinese state-owned television showed India's map without J&K and Arunachal Pradesh. In 2017, after the Dalai Lama visited Tawang, a Chinese Ministry renamed at least six places in Arunachal Pradesh. In 2019, Chinese officials destroyed over 30,000 world maps which didn't show Arunachal Pradesh or Taiwan as part of their territory. In April 2020, digital maps (Sky Map) in China showed various parts of Arunachal Pradesh as part of their territory. The last official border settlement China had was with Tajikistan in 2011, when it got over 1100 square kilometres east of Sarekole Mountains. The area was conveniently added by China to Tashkurgan. Well, before it seems like a normal geographic addition, Tashkurgan was formally an Indian Territory, a part of Shakgam Valley.


The latest Chinese incursion can be against the backdrop of India's cartographical changes made in November 2019, following the bifurcation of J&K into two separate union territories, J&K and Ladakh. That being said, this also seems to be a move by the PLA to assert a territorial claim over the Aksai Chin Plateau. The division of J&K into two territories was considered by Beijing as 'unacceptable', one which undermined its sovereignty. It even raised the issue at the UNSC. For China, any attempts to alter the Ladakhi demography is seen as a threat to its sovereignty. For them, Aksai Chin is a part of China and India, claiming Ladakh as its territory would be seen as harming its strategic interests in the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project. Under the Chinese President Jinping, China has also tried to assert control over Hong Kong, Taiwan and make its presence feel in the South China Sea.
For India, the road which runs along the Shyok River to the west of Chinese positions in the valley, it is more than a matter of mere strategic importance. This enables India to move troops for patrols or reinforcements in the area, to respond to skirmishes or crises. India's strategic intent has been firm since ever. Off late, she has reclaimed the entire PoK in accordance with the February 1994 Parliamentary resolution. India has also shown serious interests to regain her physical position in Gilgit-Baltistan. Unlike China's, India's assertion comes for mainly thwarting tribal or Talibani advancement into India from the Wakhan corridor to gain illegal access into India. Ladakh now has a 100km long border with Afghanistan's Badakhshan province. The Indian Metrological Department (IMD) included areas of PoK and Gilgit-Baltistan in its daily weather forecasts. This comes days after Pakistan Supreme Court permitted the federal government to hold elections in Gilgit. For India, Ladakh's new status is an internal matter, not having an impact on the LAC status. However, if China manages to enter the Shayok valley and establish a base there, India's access to the Karakoram Pass and Siachen could be a massive problem. The Modi-led government plans to build more than 60 key roads by the Chinese border, including a new airbase, and this is, as I think enough to fuel the wrath of the dragon. Again, US President Donald Trump's offer to mediate is part of an ever-growing anti-China narrative.
One thing is for certain. India is being pushed by China in all sorts of ways to make the first military move. This would certainly alter the relational dynamics between both the nations. For both nations, the border problem is not new. The only difference lies in the circumstances surrounding them. As we know, a nationalistic wave drives both countries. This pandemic has taken a heavy toll on China as well, pushing many countries to the anti-China narrative.


Before ending this blog, I will also attempt to throw some light about the recent 'Anti – China' narrative that we've all been hearing or witnessing in some or the other way. Is it practical? I will state a few facts and will leave you, my reader, to make a choice for yourself. Where can I start? Chinese products are cheaper compared to products made anywhere in the world and more than the quality, our minds are trained to look at the cost of a product before making a purchase. More than 70 percent of global mobile phones are made or assembled in China. Your popular brands like Xiaomi, Vivo, Oppo etc. are all made in China. We, Indians, are the biggest users of Tik-Tok with over 460 Million users. China only has 170 Million Tik-Tok users for that matter. To add to it, technical issues in its servers make the app vulnerable to hackers, thereby compromising your data. And this is one such app. In India, popular Chinese apps have, at an average of more than 10 Million downloads per app. If we look at economics and trade, India has a trade deficit by almost over 4.2 lakh crore to China. So, even if China is playing by its book and is pestering India in making the first move, how successful will it be? How will this boycott of goods further aggravate the already strained relationship between both countries?
Beijing has to deal with more serious issues at this point. That does not mean that this standoff is any less serious. It has to deal with its economic recovery and has to do a lot to mend ties with the US, Australia and the world. India's support for Tibet and its ever-growing ties with the US, Japan and Australia have raised the dragon's eyebrows. Further, China's increasing relationship with Pakistan and Nepal is not a piece of soothing news to the Elephant. How far will the nations go this time? With the Elephant and Dragon flexing their muscles for more regional and economic control, one can only wish that these differences don't end up becoming disputes.
**I would like to take a moment to thank my friend and blog reader Vinayak Ezuthachan for his research and inputs related to the boycotting of Chinese goods. He is an avid reader, muser and an aspiring stand-up comic.
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